Whether indoors or outdoors, balustrades serve multiple purposes. On the one hand, they are a safety installation. Often featured on staircases, railings or balconies, balustrades act as fall protection safeguards. On the other hand, a balustrade should add some aesthetic spark to your property. The right balustrade can complement your home’s design and architectural style quite nicely. At Shane’s Stainles, we are big believers in balustrades made of stainless steel wire.

Why We Love Stainless Steel Wire

Sure, we might be a little biased. Our business sells stainless steel wire in Australia, via a retail store location in Ballina and an online store that offers deliveries countrywide. Many clients, from trade professionals to DIY home handymen, rely on us for their stainless steel wire needs.

In a lot of ways, though, stainless steel wire is the ideal material for a balustrade—especially one that is situated outdoors. Homebuilders and homeowners use multiple materials for balustrade designs, from wood to aluminium to glass. Each of these materials has its own functional and stylistic benefits. Wood is classic and rustic, while glass preserves sightlines and maximises the flow of natural light.

For strength, durability, safety, and maintenance, though, it’s tough to beat stainless steel.

Say you decide to use stainless steel wire for an outdoor balustrade on a Melbourne home. When installed correctly, stainless steel wiring can be just as good for safety as wood and just as good for sightlines as glass. Where it beats, both is in weather resistance. Wood especially is susceptible to the elements, losing its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity to the pressures of wind, rain, and harsh sunlight. Wood will eventually rot or degrade, while stainless steel will remain as durable and dependable as it was on day one.

Indeed, stainless steel wire is resistant to corrosion, weathering, UV exposure and much more. It is also effortless to clean and maintain, which is where it is preferable to glass. Glass might not corrode or rot, but it can become splotchy and dirty due to rain and other elemental exposure. Getting the glass clean and flawless again is possible, but takes time and requires specific cleaning supplies. Stainless steel wire needs little more than an occasional wipe down with a wet cloth to remain aesthetically stunning.

Buy Stainless Steel Wire in Melbourne or Throughout Australia

If you are shopping for stainless steel wire in Australia—be it in Melbourne, Perth or Sydney—Shane’s Stainless can help you get what you need. We offer factory stainless steel wire kits that are ready to install so that you can start reaping the benefits of a stainless balustrade immediately. We can even provide you with the posts for your balustrade, providing you with a simple one stop shopping experience.

Do you have any questions about our stainless steel wire in Melbourne or anywhere else in Australia? Call Shane’s Stainless on 0401 211 929 to get answers and advice.

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